API Reference


const {
} = useQuery(queryKey, queryFn?, {
// or using the object syntax
const queryInfo = useQuery({


  • queryKey: String | any[]
    • Required
    • The query key to use for this query.
    • If a string is passed, it will be used as the query key.
    • If an array is passed, each item will be serialized into a stable query key. See Query Keys for more information.
    • The query will automatically update when this key changes (as long as enabled is not set to false).
  • queryFn: Function(variables) => Promise(data/error)
    • Required, but only if no default query function has been defined
    • The function that the query will use to request data.
    • Receives the following variables in the order that they are provided:
      • Query Key Variables
    • Must return a promise that will either resolves data or throws an error.
  • enabled: Boolean | unknown
    • Set this to false to disable this query from automatically running.
    • Actually it can be anything that will pass a boolean condition. See Dependent Queries for more information.
  • retry: Boolean | Int | Function(failureCount, error) => shouldRetry | Boolean
    • If false, failed queries will not retry by default.
    • If true, failed queries will retry infinitely.
    • If set to an Int, e.g. 3, failed queries will retry until the failed query count meets that number.
  • retryDelay: Function(retryAttempt: Int) => Int
    • This function receives a retryAttempt integer and returns the delay to apply before the next attempt in milliseconds.
    • A function like attempt => Math.min(attempt > 1 ? 2 ** attempt * 1000 : 1000, 30 * 1000) applies exponential backoff.
    • A function like attempt => attempt * 1000 applies linear backoff.
  • staleTime: Int | Infinity
    • The time in milliseconds after data is considered stale.
    • If set to Infinity, query will never go stale
  • cacheTime: Int | Infinity
    • The time in milliseconds that unused/inactive cache data remains in memory. When a query's cache becomes unused or inactive, that cache data will be garbage collected after this duration.
    • If set to Infinity, will disable garbage collection
  • refetchInterval: false | Integer
    • Optional
    • If set to a number, all queries will continuously refetch at this frequency in milliseconds
  • refetchIntervalInBackground: Boolean
    • Optional
    • If set to true, queries that are set to continuously refetch with a refetchInterval will continue to refetch while their tab/window is in the background
  • refetchOnMount: boolean | "always"
    • Optional
    • Defaults to true
    • If set to true, the query will refetch on mount if the data is stale.
    • If set to false, will disable additional instances of a query to trigger background refetches.
    • If set to "always", the query will always refetch on mount.
  • refetchOnWindowFocus: boolean | "always"
    • Optional
    • Defaults to true
    • If set to true, the query will refetch on window focus if the data is stale.
    • If set to false, the query will not refetch on window focus.
    • If set to "always", the query will always refetch on window focus.
  • refetchOnReconnect: boolean | "always"
    • Optional
    • Defaults to true
    • If set to true, the query will refetch on reconnect if the data is stale.
    • If set to false, the query will not refetch on reconnect.
    • If set to "always", the query will always refetch on reconnect.
  • notifyOnStatusChange: Boolean
    • Optional
    • Set this to false to only re-render when there are changes to data or error.
    • Defaults to true.
  • onSuccess: Function(data) => data
    • Optional
    • This function will fire any time the query successfully fetches new data.
  • onError: Function(err) => void
    • Optional
    • This function will fire if the query encounters an error and will be passed the error.
  • onSettled: Function(data, error) => data
    • Optional
    • This function will fire any time the query is either successfully fetched or errors and be passed either the data or error
  • suspense: Boolean
    • Optional
    • Set this to true to enable suspense mode.
    • When true, useQuery will suspend when status === 'loading'
    • When true, useQuery will throw runtime errors when status === 'error'
  • initialData: any | Function() => any
    • Optional
    • If set, this value will be used as the initial data for the query cache (as long as the query hasn't been created or cached yet)
    • If set to a function, the function will be called once during the shared/root query initialization, and be expected to synchronously return the initialData
  • initialStale: Boolean | Function() => Boolean
    • Optional
    • If set, this will mark any initialData provided as stale and will likely cause it to be refetched on mount
    • If a function is passed, it will be called only when appropriate to resolve the initialStale value. This can be useful if your initialStale value is costly to calculate.
  • keepPreviousData: Boolean
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • If set, any previous data will be kept when fetching new data because the query key changed.
  • forceFetchOnMount: Boolean
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • Set this to true to always fetch when the component mounts (regardless of staleness).
  • queryFnParamsFilter: Function(args) => filteredArgs
    • Optional
    • This function will filter the params that get passed to queryFn.
    • For example, you can filter out the first query key from the params by using queryFnParamsFilter: args => args.slice(1).
  • structuralSharing: Boolean
    • Optional
    • Defaults to true
    • If set to false, structural sharing between query results will be disabled.


  • status: String
    • Will be:
      • idle if the query is idle. This only happens if a query is initialized with enabled: false and no initial data is available.
      • loading if the query is in a "hard" loading state. This means there is no cached data and the query is currently fetching, eg isFetching === true
      • error if the query attempt resulted in an error. The corresponding error property has the error received from the attempted fetch
      • success if the query has received a response with no errors and is ready to display its data. The corresponding data property on the query is the data received from the successful fetch or if the query is in manual mode and has not been fetched yet data is the first initialData supplied to the query on initialization.
  • isIdle: Boolean
    • A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.
  • isLoading: Boolean
    • A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.
  • isSuccess: Boolean
    • A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.
  • isError: Boolean
    • A derived boolean from the status variable above, provided for convenience.
  • data: Any
    • Defaults to undefined.
    • The last successfully resolved data for the query.
  • error: null | Error
    • Defaults to null
    • The error object for the query, if an error was thrown.
  • isStale: Boolean
    • Will be true if the cache data is stale.
  • isPreviousData: Boolean
    • Will be true when keepPreviousData is set and data from the previous query is returned.
  • isFetchedAfterMount: Boolean
    • Will be true if the query has been fetched after the component mounted.
    • This property can be used to not show any previously cached data.
  • isFetching: Boolean
    • Defaults to true so long as manual is set to false
    • Will be true if the query is currently fetching, including background fetching.
  • failureCount: Integer
    • The failure count for the query.
    • Incremented every time the query fails.
    • Reset to 0 when the query succeeds.
  • refetch: Function({ throwOnError }) => Promise<TResult | undefined>
    • A function to manually refetch the query.
    • If the query errors, the error will only be logged. If you want an error to be thrown, pass the throwOnError: true option
  • clear: Function() => void
    • A function to remove the query from the cache.


const {
data = undefined,
} = usePaginatedQuery(queryKey, queryFn, options)


The options for usePaginatedQuery are identical to the useQuery hook


The returned properties for usePaginatedQuery are identical to the useQuery hook, with the addition of the following:

  • data: undefined
    • The standard data property is not used for paginated queries and is replaced by the resolvedData and latestData options below.
  • resolvedData: Any
    • Defaults to undefined.
    • The last successfully resolved data for the query.
    • When fetching based on a new query key, the value will resolve to the last known successful value, regardless of query key
  • latestData: Any
    • Defaults to undefined.
    • The actual data object for this query and its specific query key
    • When fetching an uncached query, this value will be undefined


const queryFn = (...queryKey, fetchMoreVariable) // => Promise
const {
} = useInfiniteQuery(queryKey, queryFn, {
getFetchMore: (lastPage, allPages) => fetchMoreVariable


The options for useInfiniteQuery are identical to the useQuery hook with the addition of the following:

  • getFetchMore: Function(lastPage, allPages) => fetchMoreVariable | Boolean
    • When new data is received for this query, this function receives both the last page of the infinite list of data and the full array of all pages.
    • It should return a single variable that will be passed as the last optional parameter to your query function


The returned properties for useInfiniteQuery are identical to the useQuery hook, with the addition of the following:

  • isFetchingMore: false | 'next' | 'previous'
    • If using paginated mode, this will be true when fetching more results using the fetchMore function.
  • fetchMore: Function(fetchMoreVariableOverride) => Promise<TResult | undefined>
    • This function allows you to fetch the next "page" of results.
    • fetchMoreVariableOverride allows you to optionally override the fetch more variable returned from your getFetchMore option to your query function to retrieve the next page of results.
  • canFetchMore: Boolean
    • If using paginated mode, this will be true if there is more data to be fetched (known via the required getFetchMore option function).


const [
{ status, isIdle, isLoading, isSuccess, isError, data, error, reset },
] = useMutation(mutationFn, {
const promise = mutate(variables, {


  • mutationFn: Function(variables) => Promise
    • Required
    • A function that performs an asynchronous task and returns a promise.
    • variables is an object that mutate will pass to your mutationFn
  • onMutate: Function(variables) => Promise | snapshotValue
    • Optional
    • This function will fire before the mutation function is fired and is passed the same variables the mutation function would receive
    • Useful to perform optimistic updates to a resource in hopes that the mutation succeeds
    • The value returned from this function will be passed to both the onError and onSettled functions in the event of a mutation failure and can be useful for rolling back optimistic updates.
  • onSuccess: Function(data, variables) => Promise | undefined
    • Optional
    • This function will fire when the mutation is successful and will be passed the mutation's result.
    • Fires after the mutate-level onSuccess handler (if it is defined)
    • If a promise is returned, it will be awaited and resolved before proceeding
  • onError: Function(err, variables, onMutateValue) => Promise | undefined
    • Optional
    • This function will fire if the mutation encounters an error and will be passed the error.
    • Fires after the mutate-level onError handler (if it is defined)
    • If a promise is returned, it will be awaited and resolved before proceeding
  • onSettled: Function(data, error, variables, onMutateValue) => Promise | undefined
    • Optional
    • This function will fire when the mutation is either successfully fetched or encounters an error and be passed either the data or error
    • Fires after the mutate-level onSettled handler (if it is defined)
    • If a promise is returned, it will be awaited and resolved before proceeding
  • throwOnError
    • Defaults to false
    • Set this to true if failed mutations should re-throw errors from the mutation function to the mutate function.
  • useErrorBoundary
    • Defaults to the global query config's useErrorBoundary value, which is false
    • Set this to true if you want mutation errors to be thrown in the render phase and propagate to the nearest error boundary


  • mutate: Function(variables, { onSuccess, onSettled, onError, throwOnError }) => Promise
    • The mutation function you can call with variables to trigger the mutation and optionally override the original mutation options.
    • variables: any
      • Optional
      • The variables object to pass to the mutationFn.
    • Remaining options extend the same options described above in the useMutation hook.
    • Lifecycle callbacks defined here will fire after those of the same type defined in the useMutation-level options.
  • status: String
    • Will be:
      • idle initial status prior to the mutation function executing.
      • loading if the mutation is currently executing.
      • error if the last mutation attempt resulted in an error.
      • success if the last mutation attempt was successful.
  • isIdle, isLoading, isSuccess, isError: boolean variables derived from status
  • data: undefined | Any
    • Defaults to undefined
    • The last successfully resolved data for the query.
  • error: null | Error
    • The error object for the query, if an error was encountered.
  • reset: Function() => void
    • A function to clean the mutation internal state (i.e., it resets the mutation to its initial state).


The queryCache instance is the backbone of React Query that manages all of the state, caching, lifecycle and magic of every query. It supports relatively unrestricted, but safe, access to manipulate query's as you need. Its available properties and methods are:


prefetchQuery is an asynchronous function that can be used to fetch and cache a query response before it is needed or rendered with useQuery and friends.

  • If either:
    • The query does not exist or
    • The query exists but the data is stale
      • The queryFn will be called, the data resolved, the cache populated and the data returned via promise.
  • If you want to force the query to prefetch regardless of the data being stale, you can pass the force: true option in the options object
  • If the query exists, and the data is NOT stale, the existing data in the cache will be returned via promise

The difference between using prefetchQuery and setQueryData is that prefetchQuery is async and will ensure that duplicate requests for this query are not created with useQuery instances for the same query are rendered while the data is fetching.

const data = await queryCache.prefetchQuery(queryKey, queryFn)

To pass options like force or throwOnError, use the fourth options object:

const data = await queryCache.prefetchQuery(queryKey, queryFn, config, {
force: true,
throwOnError: true,

You can even use it with a default queryFn in your config!

const data = await queryCache.prefetchQuery(queryKey)


The options for prefetchQuery are exactly the same as those of useQuery with the exception of the last options object:

  • force: Boolean
    • Set this true if you want prefetchQuery to fetch the data even if the data exists and is NOT stale.
  • throwOnError: Boolean
    • Set this true if you want prefetchQuery to throw an error when it encounters errors.


  • promise: Promise
    • A promise is returned that will either immediately resolve with the query's cached response data, or resolve to the data returned by the fetch function. It will not throw an error if the fetch fails. This can be configured by setting the throwOnError option to true.


getQueryData is a synchronous function that can be used to get an existing query's cached data. If the query does not exist, undefined will be returned.

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const data = queryCache.getQueryData(queryKey)


  • queryKey: QueryKey
    • See Query Keys for more information on how to construct and use a query key


  • data: any | undefined
    • The data for the cached query, or undefined if the query does not exist.


setQueryData is a synchronous function that can be used to immediately update a query's cached data. If the query does not exist, it will be created and immediately be marked as stale. If the query is not utilized by a query hook in the default cacheTime of 5 minutes, the query will be garbage collected.

The difference between using setQueryData and prefetchQuery is that setQueryData is sync and assumes that you already synchronously have the data available. If you need to fetch the data asynchronously, it's suggested that you either refetch the query key or use prefetchQuery to handle the asynchronous fetch.

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
queryCache.setQueryData(queryKey, updater, config)


  • queryKey: QueryKey
    • See Query Keys for more information on how to construct and use a query key
  • updater: Any | Function(oldData) => newData
    • If non-function is passed, the data will be updated to this value
    • If a function is passed, it will receive the old data value and be expected to return a new one.
  • config: object
    • The standard query config object use in useQuery

Using an updater value

setQueryData(queryKey, newData)

Using an updater function

For convenience in syntax, you can also pass an updater function which receives the current data value and returns the new one:

setQueryData(queryKey, oldData => newData)


The invalidateQueries method can be used to invalidate and refetch single or multiple queries in the cache based on their query keys or any other functionally accessible property/state of the query. By default, all matching queries are immediately marked as stale and active queries are refetched in the background.

  • If you do not want active queries to refetch, and simply be marked as stale, you can use the refetchActive: false option.
  • If you want inactive queries to refetch as well, use the refetchInactive: true option
import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const queries = queryCache.invalidateQueries(inclusiveQueryKeyOrPredicateFn, {
refetchActive = true,
refetchInactive = false


  • queryKeyOrPredicateFn can either be a Query Key or a function
    • queryKey: QueryKey
      • If a query key is passed, queries will be filtered to those where this query key is included in the existing query's query key. This means that if you passed a query key of 'todos', it would match queries with the todos, ['todos'], and ['todos', 5]. See Query Keys for more information.
    • Function(query) => Boolean
      • This predicate function will be called for every single query in the cache and be expected to return truthy for queries that are found.
      • The exact option has no effect with using a function
  • exact: Boolean
    • If you don't want to search queries inclusively by query key, you can pass the exact: true option to return only the query with the exact query key you have passed. Remember to destructure it out of the array!
  • throwOnError: Boolean
    • When set to true, this function will throw if any of the query refetch tasks fail.
  • refetchActive: Boolean
    • Defaults to true
    • When set to false, queries that match the refetch predicate and are actively being rendered via useQuery and friends will NOT be refetched in the background, and only marked as stale.
  • refetchInactive: Boolean
    • Defaults to false
    • When set to true, queries that match the refetch predicate and are not being rendered via useQuery and friends will be both marked as stale and also refetched in the background


This function returns a promise that will resolve when all of the queries are done being refetched. By default, it will not throw an error if any of those queries refetches fail, but this can be configured by setting the throwOnError option to true


The cancelQueries method can be used to cancel outgoing queries based on their query keys or any other functionally accessible property/state of the query.

This is most useful when performing optimistic updates since you will likely need to cancel any outgoing query refetches so they don't clobber your optimistic update when they resolve.

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const queries = queryCache.cancelQueries(queryKeyOrPredicateFn, {


  • queryKeyOrPredicateFn can either be a Query Key or a function
    • queryKey
      • If a query key is passed, queries will be filtered to those where this query key is included in the existing query's query key. This means that if you passed a query key of 'todos', it would match queries with the todos, ['todos'], and ['todos', 5]. See Query Keys for more information.
    • Function(query) => Boolean
      • This predicate function will be called for every single query in the cache and be expected to return truthy for queries that are found.
      • The exact option has no effect with using a function
  • exact: Boolean
    • If you don't want to search queries inclusively by query key, you can pass the exact: true option to return only the query with the exact query key you have passed. Remember to destructure it out of the array!


This function does not return anything


The removeQueries method can be used to remove queries from the cache based on their query keys or any other functionally accessible property/state of the query.

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const queries = queryCache.removeQueries(queryKeyOrPredicateFn, {


  • queryKeyOrPredicateFn can either be a Query Key or a function
    • queryKey
      • If a query key is passed, queries will be filtered to those where this query key is included in the existing query's query key. This means that if you passed a query key of 'todos', it would match queries with the todos, ['todos'], and ['todos', 5]. See Query Keys for more information.
    • Function(query) => Boolean
      • This predicate function will be called for every single query in the cache and be expected to return truthy for queries that are found.
      • The exact option has no effect with using a function
  • exact: Boolean
    • If you don't want to search queries inclusively by query key, you can pass the exact: true option to return only the query with the exact query key you have passed. Remember to destructure it out of the array!


This function does not return anything


getQuery is a slightly more advanced synchronous function that can be used to get an existing query object from the cache. This object not only contains all the state for the query, but all of the instances, and underlying guts of the query as well. If the query does not exist, undefined will be returned.

Note: This is not typically needed for most applications, but can come in handy when needing more information about a query in rare scenarios (eg. Looking at the query.state.updatedAt timestamp to decide whether a query is fresh enough to be used as an initial value)

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const query = queryCache.getQuery(queryKey)


  • queryKey: QueryKey
    • See Query Keys for more information on how to construct and use a query key


  • query: QueryObject
    • The query object from the cache


getQueries is even more advanced synchronous function that can be used to get existing query objects from the cache that partially match query key. If queries do not exist, empty array will be returned.

Note: This is not typically needed for most applications, but can come in handy when needing more information about a query in rare scenarios

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const queries = queryCache.getQueries(queryKey)


  • queryKey: QueryKey
    • See Query Keys for more information on how to construct and use a query key


  • queries: QueryObject[]
    • Query objects from the cache


This isFetching property is an integer representing how many queries, if any, in the cache are currently fetching (including background-fetching, loading new pages, or loading more infinite query results)

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
if (queryCache.isFetching) {
console.log('At least one query is fetching!')

React Query also exports a handy useIsFetching hook that will let you subscribe to this state in your components without creating a manual subscription to the query cache.


The subscribe method can be used to subscribe to the query cache as a whole and be informed of safe/known updates to the cache like query states changing or queries being updated, added or removed

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'
const callback = (cache, query) => {}
const unsubscribe = queryCache.subscribe(callback)


  • callback: Function(queryCache, query?) => void
    • This function will be called with the query cache any time it is updated via its tracked update mechanisms (eg, query.setState, queryCache.removeQueries, etc). Out of scope mutations to the queryCache are not encouraged and will not fire subscription callbacks
    • Additionally, for updates to the cache triggered by a specific query, the query will be passed as the second argument to the callback


  • unsubscribe: Function => void
    • This function will unsubscribe the callback from the query cache.


The clear method can be used to clear the queryCache entirely and start fresh.

import { queryCache } from 'react-query'


  • queries: Array<Query>
    • This will be an array containing the queries that were found.


makeQueryCache creates an empty queryCache manually. This is useful together with ReactQueryCacheProvider to have multiple caches in your application.

As opposed to the global cache, caches created by makeQueryCache caches data even on the server.

import { makeQueryCache } from 'react-query'
const queryCache = makeQueryCache()


  • queryCache: QueryCache
    • An empty queryCache


The useQueryCache hook returns the current queryCache instance.

import { useQueryCache } from 'react-query'
const queryCache = useQueryCache()

If you are using the ReactQueryCacheProvider to set a custom cache, you cannot simply import { queryCache } any more. This hook will ensure you're getting the correct instance.


useIsFetching is an optional hook that returns the number of the queries that your application is loading or fetching in the background (useful for app-wide loading indicators).

import { useIsFetching } from 'react-query'
const isFetching = useIsFetching()


  • isFetching: Int
    • Will be the number of the queries that your application is currently loading or fetching in the background.


ReactQueryConfigProvider is an optional provider component and can be used to define defaults for all instances of useQuery within it's sub-tree:

import { ReactQueryConfigProvider } from 'react-query'
const queryConfig = {
shared: {
suspense: false,
queries: {
suspense, // defaults to `shared.suspense`
queryKeySerializerFn: defaultQueryKeySerializerFn,
enabled: true,
retry: 3,
retryDelay: attemptIndex => Math.min(1000 * 2 ** attemptIndex, 30000),
staleTime: 0,
cacheTime: 5 * 60 * 1000,
refetchOnWindowFocus: true,
refetchInterval: false,
queryFnParamsFilter: identity,
refetchOnMount: true,
isDataEqual: deepEqual,
onError: noop,
onSuccess: noop,
onSettled: noop,
useErrorBoundary: false, // falls back to suspense
mutations: {
suspense, // defaults to `shared.suspense`
throwOnError: false,
onMutate: noop,
onError: noop,
onSuccess: noop,
onSettled: noop,
useErrorBoundary: false, // falls back to suspense
function App() {
return (
<ReactQueryConfigProvider config={queryConfig}>


  • config: Object
    • Must be stable or memoized. Do not create an inline object!
    • For non-global properties please see their usage in both the useQuery hook and the useMutation hook.


ReactQueryCacheProvider is an optional provider component for explicitly setting the query cache used by React Query. This is useful for creating component-level caches that are not completely global, as well as making truly isolated unit tests.

import { ReactQueryCacheProvider, makeQueryCache } from 'react-query'
const queryCache = makeQueryCache()
function App() {
return (
<ReactQueryCacheProvider queryCache={queryCache}>


  • queryCache: QueryCache
    • In instance of queryCache, you can use the makeQueryCache factory to create this.
    • If not provided, a new cache will be generated.


When using suspense or useErrorBoundaries in your queries, you need a way to let queries know that you want to try again when re-rendering after some error occured. With the ReactQueryErrorResetBoundary component you can reset any query errors within the boundaries of the component.

import { ReactQueryErrorResetBoundary } from 'react-query'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary'
const App: React.FC = () => (
{({ reset }) => (
fallbackRender={({ resetErrorBoundary }) => (
There was an error!
<Button onClick={() => resetErrorBoundary()}>Try again</Button>
<Page />


This hook will reset any query errors within the closest ReactQueryErrorResetBoundary. If there is no boundary defined it will reset them globally:

import { useErrorResetBoundary } from 'react-query'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary'
const App: React.FC = () => {
const { reset } = useErrorResetBoundary()
return (
fallbackRender={({ resetErrorBoundary }) => (
There was an error!
<Button onClick={() => resetErrorBoundary()}>Try again</Button>
<Page />


setConsole is an optional utility function that allows you to replace the console interface used to log errors. By default, the window.console object is used. If no global console object is found in the environment, nothing will be logged.

import { setConsole } from 'react-query'
import { printLog, printWarn, printError } from 'custom-logger'
log: printLog,
warn: printWarn,
error: printError,


  • console: Object
    • Must implement the log, warn, and error methods.


dehydrate creates a frozen representation of a queryCache that can later be hydrated with useHydrate, hydrate or Hydrate. This is useful for passing prefetched queries from server to client or persisting queries to localstorage. It only includes currently successful queries by default.

import { dehydrate } from 'react-query/hydration'
const dehydratedState = dehydrate(queryCache, {


  • queryCache: QueryCache
    • Required
    • The queryCache that should be dehydrated
  • shouldDehydrate: Function(query: Query) => Boolean
    • This function is called for each query in the cache
    • Return true to include this query in dehydration, or false otherwise
    • Default version only includes successful queries, do shouldDehydrate: () => true to include all queries


  • dehydratedState: DehydratedState
    • This includes everything that is needed to hydrate the queryCache at a later point
    • You should not rely on the exact format of this response, it is not part of the public API and can change at any time
    • This result is not in serialized form, you need to do that yourself if desired


hydrate adds a previously dehydrated state into a queryCache. If the queries included in dehydration already exist in the cache, hydrate does not overwrite them.

import { hydrate } from 'react-query/hydration'
hydrate(queryCache, dehydratedState)


  • queryCache: QueryCache
    • Required
    • The queryCache to hydrate the state into
  • dehydratedState: DehydratedState
    • Required
    • The state to hydrate into the cache


useHydrate adds a previously dehydrated state into the queryCache returned by useQueryCache.

import { useHydrate } from 'react-query/hydration'


  • dehydratedState: DehydratedState
    • Required
    • The state to hydrate


hydration/Hydrate does the same thing as useHydrate but exposed as a component.

import { Hydrate } from 'react-query/hydration'
function App() {
return <Hydrate state={dehydratedState}>...</Hydrate>


  • state: DehydratedState
    • The state to hydrate
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